Noadvisory Podcast
Welcome to Charlotte's 4x Award Winning "Noadvisory Podcast" the Number 1 podcast movement in the Queen city! We like to keep it real, local, and with NO FILTER! Make sure to tune in!
Noadvisory Podcast
Chaos, Comedy, and Confrontation: A Roller-Coaster Episode
Ever wondered what happens when a podcast goes completely off the rails? Get ready for a wild ride as we embrace the chaos with freestyle rap attempts, unexpected technical glitches, and endless laughter from repeated takes. This episode brings you the raw, unfiltered madness of live recording. We debate where you can catch our antics, from the usual suspects like YouTube and Spotify to the downright quirky like "Black People Meet" and "Midgetcom." Plus, we sprinkle in some love for our young mascot Benji and take a moment to discuss the quirks of legal marijuana in Cherokee territories.
But it’s not all fun and games. Things get serious as we recount an intense and emotionally charged confrontation with Kara, where keeping our cool was crucial to protecting our business interests. This segment delves deep into the struggle of handling public conflicts and the personal growth required to maintain professionalism despite seething anger. We explore how our support systems and friendships help navigate these tough situations and the yearning for resolution through direct confrontation. This episode offers a roller-coaster of emotions, balancing humor with heart-wrenching realities of personal and professional life.
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I'm gonna make my feet on the beat, traps, hit on the beat, but y'all know I ain't no rapper though. Yeah, let's get it, me and my gang. We up in it, ready Lo.
Speaker 2:Yes, record it. You ready to switch? We got it yes. Ready, ready, ready.
Speaker 3:Yes, yeah.
Speaker 2:Cheers y'all the most dangerous, cool, non-fuzzy. Yeah, cheers your boy, cm McLean.
Speaker 3:His tear is unscripted.
Speaker 2:Nah, nah, we ain't gonna do that Cause last week you was like yeah, this is your TM McLean.
Speaker 1:Right now I'm in my Quiet storm. Music for your mind, body and soul.
Speaker 2:Fuck that shit.
Speaker 1:It's Consuela on Power 98.
Speaker 2:Oh. See that's how much. I was not prepared for you to be here today.
Speaker 1:You know what I'm saying Did they hear you? They saw your lips. All right, that's crazy, you want to do it again.
Speaker 2:Yes, okay, ready, yes, okay, ready, yeah, cheers, it's your girl, trev, see you.
Speaker 1:It's Terrence Unscripted.
Speaker 2:No, no, we're not going to do that. See how I did that. Ha, you didn't catch it, did you?
Speaker 1:What the fuck are you talking about?
Speaker 2:I repeated the same exact shit that I just did before. When we did it again are you high? What are you talking about? I'm not high yet. No, you said do it again, right? So when you said that, and I said the same shit that I said before, I was like, nah, we ain't gonna do that cause before you was like, yeah, it's TO McLean.
Speaker 1:See, you ain't get it what the fuck are you talking about? You didn't get it. What the fuck are you talking about? You didn't get it.
Speaker 2:I did get it again I heard you getting arrested for diddling.
Speaker 1:You worried about re-running the video. What are you talking about, hey?
Speaker 2:Re-running. What video back the?
Speaker 1:episode.
Speaker 2:No, I'm saying we had to do it again, so I redid the same shit I did before Again.
Speaker 1:I really hope switches don't mean on my face, what the fuck Like. Hey, hey, get out of here. I haven't done this in a while, but guys, please get out of here. It's crazy. Shout out to Benji y'all.
Speaker 2:Shout out to our kid mascot. What is he doing? Our kid mascot in the bag? Come get on the no. No, we can't get on the camera.
Speaker 1:Sorry.
Speaker 2:But shout out to him for real. He's like a 30 year old in a 10 year old body, billion dollar bingy in the back.
Speaker 1:But listen, he flicking you off, don't you put up that middle finger no more.
Speaker 2:Did you flick? Did you put a middle finger up?
Speaker 1:go in that room, cause now, your friend is mad, I'm mad.
Speaker 2:Now go in that room yeah, stay ass in there too close the door. I got that. Alright, if you're watching this.
Speaker 1:I haven't done this in a while, so please like and subscribe To our YouTube man. We Fuck, I don't know what he's talking about, because we don't do that.
Speaker 4:Well, if we go to the casino, we can't.
Speaker 1:It's legal up there now, oh where.
Speaker 2:In Charlotte, no, no, charlotte In Carolina, kings Mountain, kings Mountain, where did the smoke?
Speaker 1:in there. It's legal to buy it recreational with the medical card so why? Did you make it come down? Because Cherokee is. Indian reserve it's an Indian reserve, so they don't they don't subscribe to federal regulations.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's the shit. That what you was talking about. Remember we had thing on here bags yeah, and he was talking about the Indian shit and Pro Monkey and all that shit.
Speaker 1:Anywho like and subscribe to our YouTube, Subscribe to our Spotify Album. Music On Amazon. Play On a bunch of stuff. Black People Meet. We're on Tubi. Yeah, kid, we're on Tubi. We're on Netflix. We are on Amazon Prime.
Speaker 2:What else?
Speaker 1:We're on Netflix, we are on Amazon Prime what else?
Speaker 2:We're on Blackie with Me, what else? Tag MySpace, what else?
Speaker 1:Bebo.
Speaker 2:What else?
Speaker 1:We're on free.
Speaker 2:We on getyourlifecom.
Speaker 1:We on midgetcom we on freethugcom. We on midgetpluscom. We on oh yeah, we're not on midget. No, no, no, no, we're not on midget. We on midgetcom no, we're not, we're not. I just said. I just we don't have a, we don't have a who's pictures on that website, youtube.
Speaker 2:No, what? No, excuse me. Hello On midget bodies. Hello, that's my profile pics, that's crazy. I would look weird. I'm already little, just search, no Advisory, I'm already little.
Speaker 1:How little did you make me?
Speaker 2:Just search no Advisory midgets and you'll see it.
Speaker 1:You'll see both of y'all faces there, I swear to God, I'm quitting this fucking podcast. Big faces, little bodies you could have at least gave us the decency and made us into like South Park characters. Nah that way we would have been like.
Speaker 2:Nah, I have no decency. What if?
Speaker 1:somebody, they gonna give you, they gonna holler at you.
Speaker 2:But when they see me, I'm not a real midget though. Then shorten yourself, walk on your knees and put the thing on the feet on there.
Speaker 1:I'm really quitting this podcast After this week. It's no more.
Speaker 2:That was very ignorant. It's no more of me. Walk on your knees.
Speaker 1:Walk on your knees. It's so ignorant and we're so getting cancelled.
Speaker 2:So you be a midget, I'm gonna go viral, we gotta go viral once we go viral, it's over why you trying to be like them. Niggas, shits and giggles. We should do this show on Pampers that niggas go viral like DaBaby. Hell, yeah, we go viral. We do that shit, like this nigga did a podcast on Pampers. That's viral, ain't that viral?
Speaker 1:I would pay to see you in. So let's do it Next week.
Speaker 2:Unless you do it, then we'll sit here Fuck no, oh, you don't want to do it by yourself. I'm not that bold. I'm bold, but I ain't that bold.
Speaker 1:To do it in the paper. Nah, catch me on a good week.
Speaker 2:I might. If I'm fucking drunk as shit, I might do it.
Speaker 1:If it came with like a pamper, bra, I'll do that shit. Yeah, I'm gonna order shit from Timu. That shit gonna fall apart Yo that's where Amazon get their shit from Well, you know they be having the same as that shit. So that sound like some freaky ass shit. We know the right person to ask the diddler what? No, the swishler, the swishler, swish.
Speaker 3:Get us some pampers and shit, the swbler, the nibbler.
Speaker 1:The swishler, mr Krabs.
Speaker 3:Pitchy.
Speaker 2:McPitch, you should enter the clip here, but blur it. That's what you do.
Speaker 1:Oh my god, bro, what the fuck is wrong with us? You gotta put that clip in there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, put that clip in there, but just blur it. I don't know if y'all know which one.
Speaker 1:A picture of Mr Kramp. I don't know. Listen, I don't know if y'all know One thing about no advisory. A videographer is going to be freaky as fuck. You know what I'm saying All our videographers?
Speaker 2:well, except for Kay, except for Kay Leroy. He used to be dancing and shit. Wow, she wasn't about videographer though. She was just a camera. She used to take pictures.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but she still was, but other videographers.
Speaker 2:Oh, I got to put Trap on blast. She still was. I forgot about this shit. She still was talking about the festival. Oh my God, yo yo Swish. You got to find these fucking clips. Sw when Trapp was talking, all that shit.
Speaker 1:No advisory exclusive.
Speaker 3:I'm going to beat her ass when I see her.
Speaker 2:If I see that bitch, I'm going to stop and shout at that bitch. Guess what? Ladies and gentlemen?
Speaker 1:I've seen her, I ain't doing nothing. No advisory exclusive. And it wasn't because of growth.
Speaker 1:honestly it's because, we're in a public place and I'm doing business. I'm not about to fuck my business Because it switched five to clips and the reason clips she all had already said, though, if she see her, she probably would not do anything to her. That's fine. I got brothers I can call. But I need that from you because now you got to, yeah, I need that. So, like how Sid is with Kara, I'm like that with you because I need that because we got to, we got to discuss it.
Speaker 3:Oh no, let's get that shirt.
Speaker 1:I'm like that, the one these hands are ready to eat for everybody. I need that. We ought to just fight it out. Duel if you will. Since y'all like playing Fortnite, we'll duel we will duel, Don't laugh at me. Wanna Tell your friend I know you watch this. You gonna go back and tell him everything. Tell him what I said.
Speaker 3:He has to see me now Tell him what I said too.
Speaker 1:I'm an insecure-ass, so now you gotta see this insecure ass bitch he gonna show you what the fuck it is huh, I'm for real, exactly like fuck that you should've slapped that bitch.
Speaker 4:Somebody listen, kara, clip this I want y'all to clip this shit for the Instagram.
Speaker 1:Kara, we just wanna talk. I just wanna talk, I ain't gonna slap you, I just wanna talk. I swear to god you must not know me.
Speaker 2:I don't.
Speaker 1:I would slap bitches for less. I swear to God, I would slap bitches for less. Please ask my friend about me.
Speaker 2:I'ma set it up, i'ma set a slap fest up.
Speaker 4:I'ma set a slap fest up. I'ma hit up. Kim set it up.
Speaker 1:I'ma switch the. I'ma switch the video, like set it up. I'ma slap the shit out of that bitch.
Speaker 2:I'm going to bring her here next week.
Speaker 1:I'm going to slap the shit out of her ass. I swear to God, I'm going to bring her here next week.
Speaker 2:I want you to.
Speaker 3:I want you to. She's not going to come. She's not going to come.
Speaker 1:No, I'm going to slap the fuck out of that bitch. She's not going to come.
Speaker 2:She's going slapped too.
Speaker 1:Mimi also went with you. I mean honestly.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I know Honestly, it's not smart that you bring a friend with you, because I promise you nine times out of ten you really gonna get your ass whooped in. I swear to God, you must not know me. You gonna be demanding like no guys. Break it up.
Speaker 3:Break it up. No, no, no.
Speaker 1:No, no, yo, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, I can't wait to pull that clip up.
Speaker 3:Viral breaking news. Matter of fact, I'm going to tell you what.
Speaker 1:I'm going to do. I'm going to say pull the clip up, switch. I'm going to hold that bitch right here. Pull the clip up.
Speaker 2:I'm going to smack the shit out of that bitch.
Speaker 1:I swear to God I am, I'm going to get her up here today.
Speaker 2:Right now. I don't want you to block, we blocked. Call her on Instagram right now.
Speaker 4:Oh, I got another page Yo call her on Instagram right now.
Speaker 2:Hold on, watch this shit, watch this shit. Hold on, hold on, give me the clip.
Speaker 1:Give me the thing. Another page is crazy. Give me the. Thing.
Speaker 2:Give me the thing. We not gonna skip over that too lightly. What's her thing? What's her IG? I don't fucking know, Blossom 704.
Speaker 1:Blossom. Blossom fucks niggas. No, she changed her name. She changed her name Blossom will fuck your nigga on your birthday.
Speaker 2:Damn. What's her? Y'all don't know it, she do fuck niggas on their birthday.
Speaker 1:Damn, keep your man from too. Okay, she don't fuck your nigga on your birthday. She might try to fuck you on your birthday too. Shit Hell. No, because next year I ain't going to lie. Going into 2025, terrence is going to a peaceful state. I promise I'm not going to talk shit, I'm not going to fight nobody. I'm growing, okay.
Speaker 2:The lie detector said that's a lie.
Speaker 1:Thank you, I'm growing.
Speaker 2:It's growing. Thank you, I'm growth.
Speaker 1:It's growth coming. 2025 is a whole new team. Man, I just cannot be this you know person anymore. I have to grow. Growth, okay, growth. Are you proud of me? Mm-hmm, I need to go on the street. No, I can't go to the street. Y'all for real over there. Y'all serious over there. I be scared. Y'all serious over there. I be watching them clips Street walk- yeah, I know, oh, see it more.
Speaker 1:Shout out to see it more, man, no you know why I'm not mature enough for rap bad rap for real because you know why, as soon as I hear some shit that don't sound right, I'm in a Bitch what I swear to God.
Speaker 2:And guess what? And.
Speaker 1:I know battle rap. People really just be rapping to cut you at your knees because that's what they supposed to do. I'm not mature for that shit. I swear to God the day you say something about my motherfucking dog, fuck. You say.
Speaker 3:Oh they gonna say something about the dog, they gonna say something about a dog, about a dog.
Speaker 2:God, yeah, fuck your dog. I'm going to spin the grave and stomp on it.
Speaker 1:We rise for Paisley and Don, I swear to God, we spin the block for Paisley. We're going to play about my motherfucking dog for her.
Speaker 2:You don't give a fuck about no, goddamn dog.
Speaker 1:Rest in peace.
Speaker 2:Paisley.
Speaker 1:You don't talk about that right now. Oh shit. Top of the first from.
Speaker 2:CEO Huh, top of the first.
Speaker 1:I'm going to start off fuck your dog. Yeah, I'm not mature enough for battle rap, so I couldn't do it but shout out to battle rap for real, because I be watching the clips and the videos, people really be putting their heart and soul into that craft. And, man, the lyrics be like damn, it just be like non-stop diss tracks it is. I love that shit. It is I'm like yeah fuck your mama. Bitch heavy on it and her sweaty pussy Blizzy freed.
Speaker 2:So it's no more free Blizzy, blizzy is freed oh, blizzy free, blizzy free, your best friend, oh hell, your best friend he gonna come in and terrorize me.
Speaker 3:He gonna come. He gonna come and terrorize me.
Speaker 1:I ain't mad at it, though, for real, but he gonna come terrorize the fuck out of me he be like yeah, I'm back baby he'll terrorize me so let me tell you the president. Okay, what do the president be doing? You wrong, cause I was the president before you. Wrong, see, you ain't never been there, you ain't never been there and you ain't never been there. And that's on my New York education, because we got the best in America.
Speaker 2:That's right Facts.
Speaker 1:Shut up, Lizzy.
Speaker 3:Oh shit.
Speaker 2:Hey yo that's crazy, that's why I be hating. Oh shit, that nigga still there. He got to go. That's why I be hating. That was a.
Speaker 3:That's why I hate New York niggas for real that shit be pissing me off.
Speaker 2:You high nigga.
Speaker 1:The swishler. Anyway, yo Hot.
Speaker 2:Topics Birthday Chubby. No, that's not how you do that. You be slipping.
Speaker 1:No, I know you go too fast. You gotta say Birthday is Hot Topics with Chubby. You get too fast. You got to say birthday as Hot Topics with Trapy. You get on my fucking nerves Got to catch up. You fucking orange. Thank you, you, fucking orange. The rank of the team. I'm going to slip back, amor.
Speaker 2:No, nails Amor.
Speaker 1:Looking like a Sharpie highlighter Fire.
Speaker 2:Fire.
Speaker 1:Fire.
Speaker 4:Fire, fire, like a big lighter. I am a fire emoji.
Speaker 1:Fire Because the shit.
Speaker 2:I got on is fire.
Speaker 1:You look like you on a prison chain gang outside Fire.
Speaker 2:Fire. You know what?
Speaker 1:I do Go ahead, sid.
Speaker 2:I do you know why I'm free though.
Speaker 1:Are you free?
Speaker 2:I'm not behind them walls.
Speaker 1:We ain't never free, I'm free.
Speaker 2:We ain't never free.
Speaker 1:We ain't never free.
Speaker 2:All right, I'm free To freedom. All right, go ahead. I'm a free motherfucker. What was that.
Speaker 1:That was a very demure way of clapping, very mindful, very demure, very cutesy, very cutesy.
Speaker 2:Okay, what we got, what we got.
Speaker 1:All right, we got four birthdays. Alright, we got four birthdays.
Speaker 2:Jada Pinkett Smith fuck no, don't ever mention that lady again.
Speaker 1:Happy birthday Jada, when she turned 53.
Speaker 2:Don't ever mention her happy birthday, jada.
Speaker 1:Uh, uh, what's your beef? What's your beef? Okay, stop because yeah, because they don't fuck the world, literally our only thing was her birthday, because I heard it on Power 98 and I added that was the first one on Power 98. That was the. I didn't see it on. No like it wasn't on 101. Shout out to Power 98. Charlotte's plug.
Speaker 4:Charlotte's plug. Shout out to Jada happy birthday go ahead and see.
Speaker 2:She's not a good individual. That's why Shout out to Jada.
Speaker 1:Simmons, she turned 37. Okay.
Speaker 2:Angela Gotti, that's Gotti right Yep.
Speaker 1:Forgetting her. He finally got her. He finally got her. He gonna fumble the fuck out of her.
Speaker 2:He ain't gonna fumble that.
Speaker 1:Niggas that want you for a long time always fumble you.
Speaker 2:He would've fumbled already. He kept love on her. Yep, I ain't gonna lie though.
Speaker 1:That's how you shoot. Your motherfucking shot, though Every girl's got money. If he had no money, then you know.
Speaker 2:But you know what? He can't fuck that up because you was on record. It was a hit record too, so the whole world knows you wanted this woman. So you can't fuck up. You can't fuck up he probably fucking up.
Speaker 1:You know how niggas do.
Speaker 2:He ain't going to fuck up. Go ahead, Sid. I'm rooting for you, son.
Speaker 1:Y'all probably don't even care about the next two at one point Republican, the black guy. Man fuck him Stupid ass.
Speaker 2:Okay, who else?
Speaker 1:Because he was on the list, he turned 73.
Speaker 4:I care Lance Armstrong I care about Lance, okay, man.
Speaker 1:With the one nut, one testicle.
Speaker 2:Oh, he do, got one testicle, he got one ball, the doping Lance, the bicyclist.
Speaker 1:Okay, okay.
Speaker 2:Imagine that She'd be sucking one ball. Just one ball, she sucks.
Speaker 1:Ball is life. Imagine a girl with two split tongues sucking to one ball. Oh, lance would probably go crazy as fuck. What? Oh that's wifey right there. Lance Hit her up.
Speaker 2:That ain't going to bust another testicle out. That shit going to pop out hey.
Speaker 1:Lance, I don't care if nobody told you, but ball is life okay.
Speaker 2:Paul is like that's nasty work right there no, this Diddy shit is nasty get to it. I just want y'all to see look at her hot topic with this shit how accurate my notes are, because y'all like to come for it we going through all that it's all, diddy, though it's gonna go fast.
Speaker 1:I promise this is hot shit. You know what, diddy? You pissing me off cause you a saying we going through all that, though it's going to go fast, I promise. Oh shit, this is hot shit. You know what, diddy, you pissing me off? Because you a freaky ass nigga. We got to go through two pages. Freaky ass nigga.
Speaker 2:He's a 69 guy and you know what.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry, I can't use my Hashtag freaking fraud. Hashtag black men.
Speaker 2:And it had to be Diddy out of all black men, hashtag niggas, hashtag baby oil.
Speaker 3:Hashtag Johnson and Johnson Hashtag freak off Hashtag stock went up.
Speaker 1:I need to advance Hashtag Procter and Gamble. God damn it. We want all that to the top. Okay, you know what? I wonder if he had like, if it was Johnson Johnson, what if he just like, had the Equate version, like the Walmart version?
Speaker 3:I'd be, pissed off.
Speaker 1:Because if you're, going to baby oil me. Baby oil me is some good shit you know what I mean.
Speaker 2:It's probably like some expensive-ass baby oil. Hey, you know what All that baby?
Speaker 1:oil going to make your ass itch? His ass probably itching. We're going to get into that, because I wonder if he put that baby oil on his asshole.
Speaker 2:What do you think he put it at?
Speaker 1:Yeah, this asshole probably itching.
Speaker 4:Why you say it like?
Speaker 1:that.
Speaker 3:Let's get into it. She know too much, uh, to get into it, right, because she.
Speaker 1:You see the way she's teasing. Okay, so I'm going to start with this first, because this was on my topic for last week and it's important to bring back for this week. Okay, so last week, diddy was hit with a $100 million lawsuit, which means he was ordered to pay $100 million in a sexual assault lawsuit by a male inmate in federal prison. Currently, this the court case that Diddy never showed up to, so they automatically gave it to the man. It was a default judgment.
Speaker 4:Let's make that clear. It was default he wasn't convicted of anything.
Speaker 2:He just didn't show up.
Speaker 1:There's an update to that. But before I get to the update, this guy's name is Derek Lee Cordella. Remember this name. It's going to comerick lee cardello. Remember this name. It's gonna come back up later and in this week's diddy shit.
Speaker 2:Okay damn that shit.
Speaker 1:Oh, this is bad he alleged that there was a sexual assault incident between him and diddy in 1997. He said he was drugged and sexually assaulted by diddy after meeting him in detroit. Diddy spiked his drink and he passed out. That is so not funny.
Speaker 3:I want to make it clear. I just want to make it clear.
Speaker 1:I want to make it clear for anybody who's watching I am not laughing at sexual assault. I'm laughing at how he said it. I'm laughing because niggas really have the audacity. Imagine you as a nigga. You wake up he's stroking this woman. This nigga tell you.
Speaker 3:I did this to you too. I would wake up swinging. So there's more, so this man is in prison.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna tell you, I did this to you too. I would wake up swinging. So there's more Bruh, there's more. So this man is in prison on charges unrelated to Diddy, but he is in prison for 75 years for sex and rape charges right, oh, okay, so he's a sexual predator, damn.
Speaker 2:So Diddy was getting licked back.
Speaker 1:No, no, no. Listen, we gonna get to him because I said he is important for this week's. He sets the tone for all of this cassie shit and the rest of these lawsuits oh shit and which ultimately got him locked up on tuesday oh shit, right now, mind you this happened in 1997, right wait, ain't that the same year?
Speaker 2:the big guy that year? Yeah, yeah, yes, okay, right, duly noted.
Speaker 1:After this guy, derek Lee Cardello, had been incarcerated for some time. He had been talking to his lawyers trying to get appeals on these cases and he asked the lawyer. He said what if I know something on somebody that could possibly take somebody down? The lawyer was like well, what is it? He said I know a high profile celebrity that is engaged in some sex trafficking, right, he went on to originally found this original lawsuit against Diddy for his sexual assault. In the process of the first lawsuit being found, diddy and his financial advisor went to this prison that this man was locked up and they have records of them signing into the visitor log. So it's proof that Diddy and the financial advisor really met with this man and tried to convince him to drop the lawsuit. They gave him two. They will give him two point three million dollars if he dropped the lawsuit. And Diddy said if you continue with the lawsuit, I'm going to just take my chances. It'll never get anywhere because I am who I am. Remember this. Right Damn, let's go to this one.
Speaker 2:You was, who you was, present tense.
Speaker 1:Remember I told you he told his lawyer at some point he knew some information about something. Right, I need y'all to go on YouTube at some point after this interview. Look up Derek Lee Cardello interview and there is an interview of him in like 2000. I want to say 16 or 17, talking to police, telling police I am a sex worker for Diddy, I was bought into this. Well, I met for Diddy. I was bought into this world. I met him in Detroit. I was drugged. I passed Telling the same story to these federal officers, right.
Speaker 1:He also goes on to say his lawyers is in it. Like he's naming names, like he knows information, right? He's like talks about cassie did he would have sex workers come force her to have sex with them. The remember the video that came out when she dropped the lawsuit of her running for her life out of that hotel. Here's what he said happened she was be trying to be forced to have sex with a sex worker. She wasn't going for it. She was fighting for her life and ran out of the room. Diddy and his lawyer said what happened was she went through his phone, through the phone to him and basically said oh, you got another girlfriend you cheating on me, blah blah, and it was kind of like a little domestic in nature, but not too, much, wow, very different stories.
Speaker 1:That video was not important 10 years ago. Today it's important, right? Because what he says is the exact same thing that Cassie said in her suit against Diddy. Now let me tell you about that suit. Wow, before that lawsuit even came about, cassie had her lawyers call Diddy's lawyers and tell tell them I wrote a book and if you want the rights to the book, it's $30 million. Oh, the lawyers recorded the conversation. Oh, they went back and told her we will not be extorted. We recorded this conversation. You can't do anything with this and you can't try to bribe us or extort us, because we have you on tape trying to bribe us that was diddy's lawyers.
Speaker 1:That was diddy's lawyers to cassie, uh-huh three months later there's a lawsuit that comes out. How much was that lawsuit?
Speaker 2:for 30 million exactly right so she got her bread okay we. Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:We're going to continue.
Speaker 2:Oh shit, this is getting that's a Steve Okay trap you.
Speaker 1:I did my research, I'm interested, so y'all know. On Tuesday Diddy was arrested, right, right, y'all remember back in like March. Well, I think we were shown this in like maybe June or July, where Diddy's houses were raided. That really happened in March.
Speaker 2:Oh, so they just wait.
Speaker 1:It really happened in March. I read the 14 page indictment it happened in March.
Speaker 2:So why did they?
Speaker 1:uh they didn't release that footage until then. Oh they set the stage.
Speaker 2:Oh yes, this is nasty. So all that shit we was watching on TV happened months ago.
Speaker 1:Wow, oh work bro so all that shit we was watching on tv happened months ago. Wow, oh shit, that shit's sick boy. They raided them houses in march, march 2024. Oh, that's crazy, that shit's sick, that's crazy.
Speaker 1:Okay, keep going, because I'm interested so he was taken into custody on tuesday, one day ahead of the his scheduled day that he was going to surrender himself, right Because they think he was going to be a fucking fire risk. So he was arrested on three felony counts of racketeering, sex trafficking and transportation to engage in prostitution there is a 14 page indictment and yes, I read all 14 pages. Okay, I did my damn research today when they talk about these freak offs.
Speaker 2:Oh shit.
Speaker 1:He's so fucking nasty, nasty work. They have evidence that between the years of 2009 and 2018, he did he was involved in sex trafficking. Damn, that's crazy. They have more evidence and video evidence and instances between 2009 and 2024. I told y'all about that shit.
Speaker 4:I told y'all I don't know.
Speaker 1:Transportation instances where he transported prostitutes across state and international lines. I told y'all that I don't know why y'all feel like y'all need to record everything. I'm not For Did'all feel like y'all need to record everything. For Diddy, though, this is what they said in indictment. He did that as a way to control these people. You can't do shit because I got you on tape doing all this nasty ass shit. What if your mama see this? What if your grandma see this? What if your church see this?
Speaker 2:And they can't, and they can't in the backfire on you did it.
Speaker 1:That shit sick. They said in this 14-page indictment that he utilized his businesses, including certain employees, to carry out, facilitate and cover up his abuse and commercial sex the Combs Enterprise. Did he say that? That New York shit though? I think I wrote this down, but I want to get to this Okay. Yeah, we're going to get to this because that's the freak-offs. We got it. That's the whole back page. The baby oil is crazy. Okay, but it's more than happening. We got it. This is going to have to be a two episode thing, so he had a court appearance.
Speaker 1:Oh, I'm sorry. He was arrested Monday. He had a court appearance Tuesday. He pled not guilty and he also his lawyers also proposed a $50 million bail package for his release.
Speaker 3:$50 million, damn that shit is a high ass bail package.
Speaker 1:In this bail package she got that sticky note. Shit package. She got that sticky note shit. It was a 50 million dollar bond which was co-signed by diddy himself, his mom, his sister, all three of his adult sons and the mother of his oldest daughter, chance. So all of them co-signed his 50 million dollar bond. As security, he put up his miami house, which is worth 48 million, and he paid that off before he was prepared to turn himself in so that he could use this as collateral against his bond, and he also put his mom's house up as security or equity on it.
Speaker 1:I told you, don't put my fucking house up. He surrendered his passport, his mom's passport, all of his daughter's passports, even the newborn.
Speaker 1:Damn, and part of this, for this, for this bill, I told my dad, mind you, in this it said he will surrender. In the indictment he already surrendered his passport in April, April 14th to be exact. Mind you that raid was in March, april. He surrendered his passport in April, april 14th, to be exact. Mind you that Ray was in March, april he surrendered his passport, so he been not had his passport Right. He also said that he would only he would, restrict his travel to only traveling between New York and Florida, the Southern districts, so that he can go see his doctors, his lawyers and go to court appearances. We're going to get to why he got to see his doctors.
Speaker 2:Oh shit.
Speaker 1:Okay, so this judge denied it. This judge said nah, you a flight risk. And not only are you a flight risk, we feel like, even if you wouldn't go nowhere, you would still continue these acts behind closed doors.
Speaker 2:So absolutely not, you got too much money, absolutely not. Too much fucking money, too much money um.
Speaker 1:So he had another bail hearing today which was an appeal to the decision yesterday to deny his bill. It was at 3 30.30, and the judge in that said absolutely not, you're not getting out, You're going to be remanded to detention, to this detention center until your trial starts. Oh they finna, make an example out of this. So he is currently being held at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, new York which is a federal jail. And, mind you, this is like one of the worst jails, like in New York. What's the address they said?
Speaker 2:Got a whole Boulevard.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they said it's so bad Like if you look at pictures, it's pictures with Cockroaches on the food, it's mold in the showers, like the guards are the ones Bringing in the cell phones and the knives and stuff, because the guards Is gang members themselves and they helping their gang out. Like it's crazy in there. I know about that one.
Speaker 2:That's tough. I'm surprised they got them there.
Speaker 1:They have a special housing unit for people that need extra protection because they also house Giselle Maxwell.
Speaker 2:Oh, Giselle, she was over there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she was housed there and somebody else was housed there for the same shit. Oh shit. Oh shit, that shit's sick. I wonder when her trials are going to happen. That'll be cool, that shit. So what he's facing right now for his charges racketeering pose a possibility of life. Sex trafficking the minimum is 15 years, the max is life. And transportation to prostitution the max is 15 years, the max is life. And transportation to prostitution the max is 10 years. Oh, diddy, gonna be locked up for life.
Speaker 2:That shit sick and you know why You're not gonna let Diddy out? Because Diddy got too much money.
Speaker 1:And too much power.
Speaker 2:He could go somewhere and be off the face of the planet.
Speaker 1:You'll never feel the same shit and keep doing the same shit and keep doing the same shit In private.
Speaker 2:That shit sick, that's why they didn't let that nigga go.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that shit sick, but you know what's going to happen too.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry I didn't let you go, but what did Cat Williams say? I keep referencing it. He said it's up. You got to tell him no. That got to tell him no, and he said it's up. He said it's up for everybody.
Speaker 1:Okay, you know how Shannon Sharpe did in the interviews and Cat Williams.
Speaker 2:Go back and re-watch the baby's episode of that talking about Diddy. Oh, and you'll look at it in a whole different light. Oh, because after all, this shit came out.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah, so in that episode I think it was at Cat Williams, I don't remember what episode I watched. I watched the clip today. The baby was talking about a party that he went to in LA. It was a Diddy party and he met Beyonce at the party. And so after the party it was only like 15 people left, including Diddy, Jay-Z and Beyonce, and said Diddy had took a liking to him and kept putting his arm around him and stuff. But when he did the interview back then, you know he felt proud. He was like, yeah, Diddy took a liking to me and stuff. And it was even videos where Diddy you know the baby, he for charlotte, so you know tight he ain't going for that.
Speaker 3:Clinching, clinching.
Speaker 1:Going for that, jonathan, I got you clinching, we got your back clinching this whole, this whole shit, like I know, I know c was going through it and it's just like. That's why I was like I really think we just do a two-day episode on this, because it's so it ain't gonna be hot, no more listen because I didn't put anything.
Speaker 1:That was speculation. But I will say, as a speculation that I have been seeing is that his sons are also gonna be charged with some of these things in the coming days and they're also gonna be some other people, names like ste J, rick Ross, definitely. Stevie J like so we. This is gonna be an ongoing thing for the foreseeable future boy the hip hop industry is about to crumble. This is crazy yeah, this is crazy.
Speaker 2:They either die or go to jail if you look at the hierarchy right of hip hop, you know you got Diddy Jay Z. You even got 50 Cent up there. You know you got Diddy Jay-Z. You even got 50 Cent up there. You know what I'm saying. But 50 shout out to 50 man 50, his own lane 50 does his shit, the legit, clean way and he keep it hood and street throughout this whole deal, but my thing is do we really know that though? Maybe we don't, but by I feel like we do, though.
Speaker 1:I don't think we really know that cause I mean exactly for years back in the 90s but I mean, I mean, I feel like. I feel like with Diddy, I feel like this shit just got too egotistical and when you get a lot of money like that, your ego comes out. Right now, speaking about Jay-Z cause I know that was a topic on Twitter today like dang is Jay-Z next, I feel like for Jay-Z, I do not. I can truly say I don't feel like that would happen about.
Speaker 2:Jay-Z Jay from Brooklyn, but he ain't doing that shit.
Speaker 1:And I think Jay-Z. I think Jay-Z do stupid shit, but I don't think it's like criminal shit. Nah, he ain't doing that? I think he do stupid shit as far as, like, business practices. I think sometimes he be doing some underhanded shit as far as business shit.
Speaker 1:I can put a Jay walk, thank you, because I mean, think about it, jr, in the mid-tuts he used to sell the rock Like he used to sell cocaine. I just feel like with him his business practices is not so criminal. But I can't get engaged on 50 Cent because the way that nigga talk boy is giving early Diddy, like Diddy used to be so like braggadocious and so like, very much like how 50 was when he started owning all this shit. Think about it 50 Star owned a film. He's doing production companies. He's doing regular laser shit. I mean.
Speaker 2:He's doing, but he's in my eyes and seeing he's doing. Yeah, he's doing it and he's doing it his way.
Speaker 1:He ain't, and that's why he's so boastful and like about it, because it's like that's why niggas hate him?
Speaker 3:Nigga.
Speaker 2:I'm pretty sure everybody know Dirt or anybody. If you in that circle you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:I'm pretty sure, 50 Cent is a lot of hip hop, a lot of hip hop artists, a lot of rappers. Probably it's finna be, everybody has. Probably as soon as Diddy got arrested, I said this shit as soon as Diddy got arrested everybody got on the phone to they lawyers and called they lawyers and shit and set up some shit and put some shit in place and everything.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, everybody called their lawyers. Everybody called their lawyers. Cat Williams said it was up for everybody. He meant that shit. He's the one that started all this shit. That's when all this shit.
Speaker 1:But he said his word's powerful.
Speaker 2:He said his word is powerful. I'm about to watch that episode again because that shit is crazy. You might start some more shit.
Speaker 1:every time somebody keep watching this shit, start, don't watch it. Literally he have not been wrong yet he hasn't. It's nothing he said in an interview.
Speaker 2:He hasn't, he hasn't. He hasn't what he said. That nigga said you gotta tell Diddy. No, he got offered 50 million three times and look, they go off on 50 million to the judge. See what else.
Speaker 1:Alright, so on the first count of racketeering, the indictment said that Diddy relied on the employees, resources and influence of his business empire to create a criminal enterprise.
Speaker 2:A criminal enterprise.
Speaker 1:Within sex trafficking. He was engaged in forced labor, kidnapping, arson, bribery, obstruction of justice and narcotics. That's why I said arson. What the obstruction of justice and narcotics.
Speaker 2:That's why I said arson, what the fuck did he try to blow up?
Speaker 1:Right. He manipulated women to participate in highly orchestrated performances of sexual activity with male commercial sex workers. Aka these freak-offs. This is where the 100 bottles of baby oil comes in.
Speaker 1:And he will often record them. They said that these freak-offs were so elaborate and methodical that he electronically recorded all of these acts, all of them. He transported individuals and sex workers across state and international lines. He gave narcotics to keep victims obedient and compliant. He gave narcotics to keep victims obedient and compliant, and these freak-offs were so physical exertion in nature, so tiring, that after everyone was done, everyone would receive IV fluids to recover from the physical exertion and drug use that they was getting. What Damn what? So when they did this raid, they found narcotics and a thousand bottles of baby oil. A thousand bottles of baby oil. I'm sorry that shit is so sick, cause think about the, the, the amount of babies out here without baby oil.
Speaker 3:that's why it's a shortage that's why this shit keep going up in the street.
Speaker 1:Think about the amount of babies out here without baby oil on their kids, because Diddy got it.
Speaker 2:No, that's crazy, but I'm just. They would get fluid.
Speaker 4:They were so tired, because yeah what.
Speaker 1:They was exerting all these fluids, they wasn't eating, they was on all these drugs, they sweating, they just fucking.
Speaker 2:I know it smelled crazy up in that house, bro.
Speaker 1:I know it smelled crazy up in there. And in addition to the narcotics and the baby oil they also found firearms and ammunition, and the firearms was three AR-15s with defaced serial numbers. She scratched the serial numbers off and a drum magazine. I mean that's regular nigga shit though, but the other shit just sick. The baby oil, it's been ashy ass strippers, and Diddy got all the baby oil. Diddy got all the baby oil.
Speaker 2:It's the IV. For me it's a mad IV.
Speaker 1:The IV got baby oil in it, bitch sitting there just fucking dehydrated, but guess what you on that IV, but you shiny as fuck because you got all that baby oil on you.
Speaker 2:You sick as fuck. Come give it to IV. Hold on, you got to get an arm.
Speaker 1:It's a little slippery Dr Miss in the damn veins because of all the baby oil. You should be ashamed of yourself, you sick ass nigga. Kendrick Lamar, he up there drinking shit for shit. He need to talk about Diddy. Diddy was the freaky ass nigga to the 69 yard. He was the freaky ass.
Speaker 2:Maybe he was talking about him. We don't know God damn. We don't know God damn.
Speaker 1:I just need to know a list of people that was at these parties and participate.
Speaker 3:It's going to be a good list.
Speaker 1:They'll never release the list.
Speaker 4:I know his rap.
Speaker 1:Because he was white. He was white, he was white.
Speaker 2:They ain't going to release that shit. They ain't going to release it. They ain't going to release that Diddy shit. I know If there's people in there that niggas want to know about, because, remember, Epstein wasn't in, he's not, he's just, he's a higher power. But Diddy's in that hip hop community.
Speaker 1:That's what shit that's going on. What's going to piss me am? I supposed to listen to now? Huh, dolly Parton. Who the fuck am I supposed to listen to now? Hip-hop, finna. Listen. Why people finna talk so much shit about us? Y'all with this shit.
Speaker 3:I'm glad we migrating the country now. Hip-hop finna.
Speaker 1:Take a turn boy BET Awards Hip-hop music awards.
Speaker 2:Let me get a word up. Like Kim said, right, I'm Diddy, my power influence is going to. So he was like yo, I can't be touched. Nobody ain't going to touch me, Nobody ain't going to say nothing to me.
Speaker 1:Drink your water, so you don't get exhausted.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, I got to take some IV.
Speaker 1:So I got a question Was the IV like liquid IV that they pour the powder? That was real like medicine. They had people come in with the IV stations. They had people come in, put a needle in you and you sit and get all your IVs for like 30, 45 minutes and he sends you on your way with your phone.
Speaker 3:And sends you over.
Speaker 1:Yes, like for real, on arrival, when you get there. Everybody had to put their phone in, like these buckets or these bins. He would have his security take them somewhere and then he would have like cameras, like some people didn't even know that they was being recorded.
Speaker 1:Oh shit, he was video everybody and that's what the poll, that's what the police raided the house for, because one of the witnesses to like break this case open. We're gonna come back to my man. Derrick is um. Somebody said that he records every single thing, so everything you need, he has video from decades.
Speaker 3:As long as he's been doing it.
Speaker 1:So what they saying they got since 2009. Taking the phones ain't weird, because a lot of celebrities do that. Taking the phone's not weird, but that whole recording and I guess recording everything in your house is not really weird too. But I mean he was doing more than just security reporting. Yeah, he was like filming free pornos at that point, freak's office.
Speaker 4:Free pornos.
Speaker 1:Free pornos, big ass, number seven, huh. Freak-offs, the freak-nics, freak-offs, yeahak.
Speaker 2:Nicks Freak O's. Yeah, freak O's. I think that's what Diddy called him.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Diddy called him Freak O's. That's what he called him. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:So it's interesting. So Remember my, my dude, derek Lee Cordella, the one that told us a long time ago that he was drugged by Diddy. And he woke up and Diddy was like yeah, I did this to you too, all right. So remember, I told y'all he won his default agreement. A new judge overturned that Diddy and his lawyers appealed that. Um, and a new judge overturned it because a new judge said that Diddy was not given adequate time to sufficiently like respond to the suit and because of that he had to overturn it. So, my man's derrick, you're not getting 10 meal every month starting october 1st but it's interesting because there is.
Speaker 1:People up in the michigan area are saying that the prison that derrick lee cardello is supposed to be at, he ain't there where is he at? Nobody knows, he's not in no system. So this nigga not even in jail, that nigga in witness protection. So that nigga in witness protection. I didn't write this down because it's speculation, but I be going down my wormholes. There is speculation that he is the star witness for this entire case because he can corroborate all these other lawsuits that came up and because of that they got him tucked away somewhere safe where Diddy can't get him.
Speaker 2:Diddy can't get him.
Speaker 1:Diddy also told the new judge today side note when he was appealing his not getting bail that if he could please go home he would get an ankle monitor and he would not have any women over.
Speaker 4:No, no, he ain't giving a damn, of course he don't got no women. What about the men?
Speaker 1:Yeah, what about the men? You ain't going to have no women over. There's a bunch of men over there.
Speaker 2:That's a good. He would have that chick, that nigga, what's his name? What's his name? Saucy 1010 yeah, he gonna have Saucy 1010 over there.
Speaker 1:Um, so now that we done went through, now that now, huh, that's what you gonna have a veteran's name gonna come out. Not that we we've done. We've been through this whole Diddy shit and I've kind of read through all this and also listening to you and shit. I want people to really like. I know people getting these jokes off because maybe oil is.
Speaker 1:There's going to be so much jokes, it's really sadistic and sick, but if we really like, if we're really talking about this, if we're really talking about this and shit. This shit is so sadistic and so vile and so disgusting and these are people that are like real people, real humans that he did this to and it's just so sickening to like hear this shit.
Speaker 3:He has four daughters. Four daughters like you would not want any of this to happen to your daughters. He got four. He got the two twins, he got four kids he got Jessie and Delilah, the twins.
Speaker 1:He got the oldest girl, chance, and then he got the new one. What's her name? Baby Love.
Speaker 2:I will say you much. This is gonna turn the hip-hop community for sure, and I I was joking about that. But you know what's gonna come out, that kim porter shit. Because that's gonna, because the way how they allegedly said she died it just doesn't make sense to me. Like now, and she knew, she knew what shit was going on. They said she's about to Did her house burn down.
Speaker 1:No, she died of a heart.
Speaker 2:I know she did, but didn't at one point her house burn down. I don't remember I don't.
Speaker 1:Yeah, eventually, yeah but I don't remember the house. It was one of his exes, I want to say their house, caught on fire. Or maybe it was Kamorley Simmons' house who caught on fire, I don't know. I think it was her house and I wonder if that's what the arson for, because you know, her and Kim Cordo was like the best friends. The arson is for he did it. He dropped the Molotov cocktail inside his car, that's what the? Arson is for. Yeah, he tried to. He dropped the Molotov cocktail allegedly in somebody's car.
Speaker 2:Yeah, shit gonna come out.
Speaker 1:No, it's not somebody that we know it's not somebody we know.
Speaker 2:And then you got, and then if you gotta look at all the surrounding parts, the Keefie D situation, that's gonna tie into it Like it's a biggie because it was shit. Gene Dale was talking about it.
Speaker 1:Oh, I got the list.
Speaker 2:It's a lot of shit about to come out, man. A lot of shit about to come out, man. A lot of shit about to come out.
Speaker 1:Man, I'm gonna keep my eyes glued to this one. The hip hop community definitely is finna turn and reel from this and it's definitely finna be some. I mean this. Last time something like this happened it was R Kelly.
Speaker 2:R Kelly right, yeah, like, and see they did the Kells yeah, r Kelly's sitting up in, but North Carolina right now who Diddy? Diddy couldn't get the most. Huh Diddy, looking at life, he got two life charges and another with a maximum of 10 years.
Speaker 1:Honestly, diddy's not gonna skate away from this, but I also think if he doesn't get life, he definitely gonna have to do them 15 years yeah he definitely has to do them 15. But he's not skating away from this. Yeah, if he get a good deal and they may just give him a good deal- we can't hear you.
Speaker 2:Give him a mic.
Speaker 3:The thing about Diddy is he's going to do these 15 years, or it had to be somebody bigger than him, and that nigga is rapping right now he's rapping right now.
Speaker 2:What did he going?
Speaker 4:to do.
Speaker 2:Hold on, here you go. Yeah, what did he going to do?
Speaker 1:But who would that be?
Speaker 3:If it ain't nobody bigger than Diddy His son. No, his son ain't bigger. Jeffrey Epstein's size is what you're looking for.
Speaker 4:Oh, yeah, yeah. So if it ain't nobody, bigger than somebody bigger.
Speaker 3:He's singing. I would they always talk about Diddy don't sing, you don't sing that song.
Speaker 1:He's like take that take that. He probably already trying to do that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but it got to be bigger than Diddy, though, yeah.
Speaker 1:Okay, so I got the list of people that he would allegedly be looked at if they reopened their murders.
Speaker 2:If they reopened, okay, it'd be Kim Porter, biggie yes.
Speaker 1:Tupac Biggie Kim Porter, somebody named Shakir Stewart and somebody named Chris Lightly.
Speaker 2:Chris Lightly. Yeah, you said somebody named Chris Lightly. I don't know who he is. Chris Lightly oh, violator Chris. Lightly yeah, yeah, chris Lightly.
Speaker 1:What that's yeah. Just Google Violator and you'll see the name. Damn. Yes, that's yeah that's.
Speaker 2:That is just google Violator, and you'll see the name damn Chris Light that's crazy. That's crazy. If he had something to do with that, that's crazy. I don't know. Oh, he do, yes, he does yes, cause he always on.
Speaker 1:Anderson yeah yeah because he's always sometimes yeah he's always on Central's campus during homecoming and stuff. Yes, I met him before. Yes, yes, that's him. Damn Chris Lighty.
Speaker 3:They could be white, but they need to be Jeffrey Epstein. Yeah, it might have to be Trump, honestly, at this point, it really might have to be Trump.
Speaker 2:Picture that I want to put it past it.
Speaker 1:Picture that the only other person he literally could get is.
Speaker 2:Jay.
Speaker 1:I wouldn't put it past Trump. The only other person he literally could get is Jay.
Speaker 2:Jay ain't got nothing to do with it.
Speaker 1:It's like he said it's got to be somebody big. If it's not Trump, it's got to be like. It's got to be like Damn Taylor Swift. I'm thinking honestly, if it's not, Niggas is in the house.
Speaker 3:It's a lot of people that's going to be on the videos. So they been there, they on the videos. They done freaked off and had a good time. And now they at home like damn. I wonder if my name is going to come out, but they not the ones that's going down? Trump or somebody big going down, it might not even be.
Speaker 2:Trump. What if Obama was in there?
Speaker 1:No hell, you know somebody big going down. It might not even be Trump. What if Obama was in there?
Speaker 4:No, Hell, no, don't even play like that.
Speaker 1:You know he would not be there, not? Yeah, yo, fuck your mind. You don't think Obama a freak? No, I don't think he is a freak. If he is a freak, he not stupid enough to do that. Okay, I was nodding that freak off.
Speaker 1:Honestly, what I was thinking is it doesn't even have to be politicians. It could be like, really like big heads of businesses, corporations and stuff. That shit will sit you down a fucking hole too. It could be like the CEO of Bank of America you know, sit like that they will. You know they love going after corporate shit and so he can get some time shaved off for that shit too. It don't even have to be politicians just know it's about to go down.
Speaker 1:The world is about to go down the next couple of months. The next couple of months, you did this shit. Y'all better stop shouting him out, because niggas might start gunning for his ass, did Cat?
Speaker 3:Williams really say anything. He said something after Cassie, so he wasn't this big epiphany Cassie, so he wasn't this big epiphany.
Speaker 1:No, it was after Cassie but it was just what he said he was like, and about that, nigga Diddy, you gotta tell him no.
Speaker 2:What you mean after Cassie. Cassie had already dropped the bomb.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she had already did this bomb. Honestly, what happened was when this interview dropped, cassie had already been filing for this, so what I think had happened was they was in the circle, celebrity circles, talking, so he he said he wasn't like. Yeah, he said they was in the celebrity circles talking, so again, I'm kind of I don't know if he predicted this, but I wonder.
Speaker 2:I want to know what was that call he got. I'm pretty sure he got a call from somebody in diddy's camp and and said why you said that shit. I'm pretty sure knowing how did he move?
Speaker 1:any shit. They said. That did he call um. Okay, y'all know don richards. Yeah, richardson filed a lawsuit against him, right, who she used to be in danny kane she was oh don richards, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah, all right she filed a lawsuit.
Speaker 3:Or the white girl? No, she found don richards the white girl filed a lawsuit.
Speaker 1:The white girl had been found but, no, don just recently found one oh wait, no, I'm bugging. Don is the black one yeah oh, okay, okay, okay, all right there was another day don was in another group with diddy called like forbidden love or some shit like that I remember that and there was another girl in there that was allegedly supposed to be on that lawsuit with Don.
Speaker 2:Oh shit.
Speaker 1:Did he call her 54 times? And after calling her, she removed her name from the lawsuit.
Speaker 2:Oh shit, that's crazy.
Speaker 1:Kalina, kalina. They used to be on Love and Vogue.
Speaker 4:Mm-hmm, mm-mm.
Speaker 2:At this point he was around. At this point, yeah, at this point you might as well get your money now because after all, he ain't going to have no more money.
Speaker 3:The loyal money ain't better.
Speaker 2:I mean, that's the lawyer. Oh the loyal money. Oh oh, Stevie J, he's set for life he's set for life.
Speaker 3:I think the loyal money is better than trying to get the payoff.
Speaker 2:You think the loyal money is better.
Speaker 1:I ain't gonna lie, but he ain't gonna have no more. He gonna have money, he just ain't gonna have access to it. But he sold most well. I mean he got shares Also, but y'all gotta think about it. It's not even just money. All of this right celebrities may not be coming out and saying they standing with Diddy, but they definitely standing with Diddy. Niggas is not leaving Diddy. They texting his phone like hey big bro.
Speaker 3:You know, I got you big bro, you with your family, so listen for hip hop, y'all about to be mad as hell, and I'm not saying that I agree. But I'm just telling you, for hip-hop, all these charges say is nigga, you the man, you got bitches? I'm not saying that and I agree with you. I totally agree with you.
Speaker 1:Honestly, that's what Boosie said. He like damn. If y'all charging Diddy for this, then every rapper is essentially sexual To be honest.
Speaker 3:I agree with you. I agree with you.
Speaker 1:I agree with you, like you said, just like oh, that nigga fucked up. They like damn Pimpin' and pimpin' and pimpin' and pimpin' yeah niggas like, and I hate that you just took pimpin' a little too far for the homies.
Speaker 3:And I hate that.
Speaker 1:I hate that for us. I hate that for us, but niggas not looking at it. That's what I'm saying. That's why Kalina probably took her name off of that. Yeah, because you know Diddy will fucking and she on the lawsuit. Niggas not going to want to work with her. They're not. Regardless, even if they disagree with Diddy or agree with Diddy, they still not going to want to work, for it's bad for business.
Speaker 3:That's why, ooh, and I got another one Y'all going to be mad at, and I'm going to walk out Because y'all going to be really mad.
Speaker 1:I'm never stopping playing Diddy, I just want y'all to know I definitely stopped playing R Kelly. I do not listen to R Kelly. Diddy don't got enough music for me to want to stop listening to or listen to at all, so I can't really say it. But R Kelly, fuck R Kelly.
Speaker 2:Nah. The radio stations are made of both of them right now so if you was DJing on the radio, you wouldn you come to a party at.
Speaker 3:Crazy T's DJing you're going to hear some Diddy.
Speaker 1:You're going to hear some.
Speaker 3:Biggie, you're going to hear some Bad Boy.
Speaker 2:Yo, speaking of that, they just came out with the shit that the nigga and the main girl was it, juicy was a man, you saw that and she got killed. Well, he got killed. Yeah, transgender he, yeah, transgender he got killed because that was singing on juicy His date. Didn't know he was a man, the main character. Yeah, they didn't know he was a man In the video.
Speaker 3:In the video, but she was in a bunch. It was in a bunch of videos.
Speaker 2:I don't even know.
Speaker 1:It is diabolical, it is wild. She, she, she, she, she, she. It's not it or he or she.
Speaker 3:How you know she go by she.
Speaker 1:Right, she's a transgender. It went from a he to a she.
Speaker 2:Cause she stand up to P.
Speaker 1:If it was a non-binary. We are not getting canceled for this. I need y'all to shut the fuck up.
Speaker 4:I'm saying our generation is different when.
Speaker 3:I grew up, there was a boy and there was a girl.
Speaker 1:Okay, and that's fine. Y'all just say that then. But we just not finna call people he, she or it. That's not okay. That's not what it is.
Speaker 2:Okay, we sorry people.
Speaker 1:But you know what I was thinking, though, when y'all saying this. That lyric in Biggie's song makes sense. Now Keep your daughter tied up in a Brooklyn basement him and my boy.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I got a story pertaining to that, like, I just need like 25 seconds.
Speaker 3:No, need like 25 seconds, no, no okay, you're counting.
Speaker 4:Wow, be counting no 10 no, no, we're not getting canceled.
Speaker 1:We don't need to hear the story. We'll save it for the patreon 15, 16. All right, listen, it's not. It's not come on, you know I'll be respectable.
Speaker 4:It's not crazy look it's all up so, um, at one of my old jobs, it was this guy that worked there, but you know like he wanted to be a woman so one day they came in the office or something that came in a break room and somebody was like, oh, good morning sir, and he like flipped out like went crazy. Like don't call it, I forgot what he wanted to be but what was?
Speaker 2:what was his appearance?
Speaker 4:he was like he was white with a ponytail so he wasn't.
Speaker 2:He didn't look like a nah, one time he can't.
Speaker 4:One time he had breasts for a random day. That was crazy. But I'm off air for it to walk. We cannot put these clips on.
Speaker 1:TikTok, yeah, you can put them on TikTok no we cannot, we cannot. I ain't gonna lie to y'all. Y'all know I agree with y'all most stuff, but I'm really. I'm really like If people want to be called A certain thing, call them people that it does not bother us, it does not bother you, it does not bother us. If he want to be a she, let she live. Only God can judge you. Let she live For real. I got what would you do. Hell, no, I quit.
Speaker 2:No, I got. What would you do? I quit. You're going to love this. What would you do? I'm saying like You're going to love this, what would you do? Hold on, you're going to love this.
Speaker 1:What would you do? I want to. I'm tired of being the unlike cast member on this show Now. You want to be liked. I'm tired. It's not even that, though. For real, though it's so serious, I be like people don't want to fuck that man, let him do that.
Speaker 2:Okay. So how would you feel right? Because nowadays, say whatever you identify as right, that's what they say. So imagine you in a stool, right, and imagine it was a say. It was an open stool.
Speaker 1:I kind of hate that shit A stool or school.
Speaker 2:Well, y'all sit in a stool, because y'all sit right. You said a stool, a stall, a stall, sorry, a stool.
Speaker 3:The older generation called it stools.
Speaker 2:My moms and them, they call it stools. No, that's why I say stool, because they call it stools. A stool, yeah, they call it. My moms and my older they call it.
Speaker 1:Why are you on a stool? But for the people that's watching, you're talking about a stall, a stall.
Speaker 2:Yes, yes, done my old heads to say call it stool a urinal what happened? A urinal, yeah, anyway. Where the fuck you pissing shit at niggas? So, jesus christ, you heard, yeah, but anyway. So say you in there, right, and just a nigga. Nigga, just come in there, right, nigga, be rugged as fuck, but he says he identifies a woman. That's not gonna make you feel uncomfortable.
Speaker 1:No, it ain't. I'm minding my business. I'm in my stool, With my stool locked, minding my business. I wipe my ass, get up, wash my hands and go out. I tell people all the time half of the shit that happens in this world is because motherfuckers do not mind their fucking business. Wars start because niggas don't mind they fucking business. People get killed because motherfuckers do not mind they business.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I wouldn't mind because I have girls.
Speaker 3:So you uncomfortable with that? Yeah, because I wouldn't want my kids. I mean, I would feel uncomfortable because I don't know what their intentions are.
Speaker 1:They have this story where men have just like, gone to the high school Just so they can. But, you don't know what the thing about that to count out that is but you don't know what a regular woman's intentions are when they walk into the bathroom. So you can't, you can't, it's not, it's no, it's not, it's. It's the same thing, you don't know what women are?
Speaker 2:a rugged ass nigga. Walk into the females bathroom. You ain't gonna feel uncomfortable, you ain't gonna feel no, even though you minding your business. Even though you minding your business, to be honest fair.
Speaker 1:to be honest, I'm uncomfortable when anybody walking into the bathroom and I'm in the bathroom because I like my privacy, so I'm uncomfortable with anybody.
Speaker 2:We're talking about a nigga here.
Speaker 1:I'm uncomfortable. I mind my fucking business. I mind my business, but my thing is, I feel like it's a two-way. It's not a two-way street with y'all. I feel like sometimes it's very stereotypical and very judgmental because this same rugged man could come in and start not doing nothing to me. A regular-ass woman could come in crazy as fucking kill me, what's the difference.
Speaker 2:We're not talking about that, we're talking about opposite.
Speaker 1:You can't talk about a rugged-ass man without talking about that. You can't do that. No, it's two different things. No, it's not.
Speaker 2:You can't pick and choose.
Speaker 1:What's the difference between a woman? It's two different things. What's the difference between a woman and a man?
Speaker 2:It's a nigga that's coming in the bathroom and he identifies as a woman and he comes in a woman's bathroom to use the bathroom. It's not going to make you feel uncomfortable. I feel uncomfortable if I the fuck is going on here.
Speaker 1:Somebody ask you what's the Wait? What Hold on? I feel like you're moving the goalpost. I'm not moving the goalpost. What's the difference between a rugged?
Speaker 2:Because that's a nigga going in a man's bathroom and that's a woman coming in a nigga's bathroom, because we was on the subject of that, that subject. So I'm like I'm gonna feel uncomfortable. I think everybody in the fucking room feel uncomfortable first of all.
Speaker 1:First of all, let me I'm about to break this down, because I'm about to break this shit down real quickly, yeah, because I'm about to break this shot. First of all, the chances. The likely chance of that happening is, first of all, it's very slim it's not something that happens it's people like you. It's people like you that it happens. Are you gonna let me talk? You gonna let?
Speaker 3:me talk, you gonna let me talk.
Speaker 2:You going to let me talk? I'm just saying it happens. Do you want to let me talk? Let me finish and then you can talk to me.
Speaker 1:People like you that has real conservative mindsets, that really do identify with Republicans, but don't want to say that shit out loud. It's people like you that shit barely happens.
Speaker 2:That shit happens all the fucking time.
Speaker 1:I'm good. What are you talking about? It happens right now. You're not letting me finish talking. I let you go.
Speaker 2:No, you're not letting me talk. I'm good, I'm done cause this shit happens right now? No, it's not. Niggas walk into a fucking bathroom and say I'm a fucking identify as a woman. It happens now.
Speaker 1:No, it does not. No, it does not, yes it do it does not. I would explain it me finish talking, so whatever I'm numb.
Speaker 2:What do you think in the comment? Did this happen now or it doesn't happen now? It happens now again.
Speaker 1:Men like y'all that have conservative mindsets that should just did identify as republicans should just say that. But I would go into my spill camera. But if y'all want to hear my spill, please follow me on instagram. Terrence unscripted.
Speaker 2:I refuse to talk in the midst of ignorance we got to agree, disagree, but that's not ignorant when it's just happening now.
Speaker 1:It's ignorant. The things that you're saying right now is very ignorant. It's not ignorant, especially when you have a LGBTQ presence on our podcast. That's very ignorant.
Speaker 2:How it happens now. No, it doesn't. Does that happen now? I'm gonna ask the panel Does it happen now, kim? Does it happen now? I know it's your friend, but if it happens now, just be. This happens now, y'all motherfuckers is fucking pussy. This happens now. I know, I know.
Speaker 1:Polo, this happens now. All the men in the room gonna agree with you, of course this happens now.
Speaker 4:Thank you On the news.
Speaker 1:Come on, this happens now. I like the way you said that, polo. Like I said, there is a slim chance of that happening. I never said it doesn't ever happen. I said slim chance of that happening of who there is a slim chance of that happening. A rugged ass man is going to walk into the bathroom. What you keep doing, though, deflecting from what I'm saying, it ain't no woman.
Speaker 3:It's not a woman. No, it's not a woman.
Speaker 2:Thank you, because nobody's hearing what he's saying.
Speaker 1:I really just want him to shut the fuck up and listen to what he's saying.
Speaker 2:No, because a nigga like say, if you identify as a woman, right, you could walk in a woman's bathroom right now and use the bathroom. I mean you look rugged.
Speaker 1:Polo does not look like a woman. You got a hat t-shirt on nigga.
Speaker 2:You rugged nigga. You ain't diaper deer walking in with a tie and shit If a woman really was transgender, they would embody whatever they are.
Speaker 1:No, you know what I'm saying. So it would be a man's mess up. And that's coming from people who recognize the LGBT community. I feel like because you're not a part of that community and you don't really know about that community, you're not understanding that If it was a woman, she wouldn't look like a man.
Speaker 3:Right, right. But what Senorita said is he is a man, he is in the bathroom and a woman. Come in there and take her dick out. He uncomfortable.
Speaker 1:But what we're saying is because y'all are not. Y'all don't know about the LGBT community. A woman is not going to come in here looking like a full grown woman and be in that bathroom with him, because, first of all, they're going to be uncomfortable before you are. Yeah, and be a full dressed woman and pull out a penis. She's not doing that. A transgender woman is not doing that. But she's not looking like a trans.
Speaker 1:She's not looking like a woman. That's not the reason why they created family bathrooms, and I really want y'all to look that shit up. They created family bathrooms for breastfeeding women. That's not why they created family bathrooms. They created for breastfeeding women. That's not why they created family bathrooms. They created for breastfeeding women. People that have younger kids.
Speaker 2:Alright, what would you do?
Speaker 1:Was that not the one?
Speaker 2:Going to a bathroom with a.
Speaker 1:That's what I'm saying. See y'all bringing up irrelevant ass topics to be just ignorant as fuck.
Speaker 2:What would you do if you?
Speaker 1:went to a bathroom with a rugged man, I would sit my ass there and take a number two MP and say what up dog to that nigga and go the fuck out. Like what the fuck? Huh, that's what I'm trying to tell y'all. It's a slim chance of that happening.
Speaker 2:Alright, watch that shit happen to you tomorrow and I want you to record that shit and I'm going to dab that nigga up and say what up, my what up and go out the bathroom, that's the thing you disagreeing with him, don't make his statement different.
Speaker 3:I never said I never I never said.
Speaker 1:I never said I disagree, but his statement is ignorant. He's saying. It's stereotypical of ignorant people that do not understand the LGBT community.
Speaker 2:I understand the.
Speaker 1:LGBT community. So what the fuck I'm saying? Right, what I'm saying is his statements are ignorant because it's stereotypical and it's judgmental, and the statements he's saying is very inflammatory to the LGBT community. How it is ignorant, it's very inflammatory. There's no way, there's no if or and about outside that square is inflammatory. It's inflammatory. There's nothing that you can say. That is not. What I'm saying is his statements are inflammatory. We done moved past this. So before we take big no.
Speaker 2:you can't make a statement and let nobody else talk.
Speaker 1:You can't do that, but you did it when I was trying to talk to you.
Speaker 2:I let you talk.
Speaker 1:No, you did not, I let you talk. No, you did not. Let the man talk Let the man talk. No, I did not.
Speaker 2:You did, you cut me off. I did not cut you off. I let you go, I let you go.
Speaker 1:Oh, my God.
Speaker 2:I swear to God, get a mic, he said. Is that?
Speaker 3:if a woman come in the bathroom and pull her dick out, he would be uncomfortable. He cannot be wrong for his uncomfort. He can't be ignorant for his uncomfort. Okay, he can't be ignorant for his uncomfort. Okay, he gave his opinion on a hypothetical situation. I don't get it. And he can't be ignorant for that. Just because you disagree, okay.
Speaker 1:Thank you for coming to the no Advice Podcast. I just I don't, because no, y'all niggas kept me up the entire night.
Speaker 2:No, I don't care, no more. Thank you, sir. I don't care, no more. Thank you, sir I don't.
Speaker 1:You know they filming this.
Speaker 3:You can go back and check the minutes. You've been talking the longest.
Speaker 1:I have not been saying anything, but thank you for coming to Advisory Podcast. Thank you, sir. Please like and subscribe on YouTube.
Speaker 2:Hold on, Let me get my. What would you do? So what would you do?
Speaker 1:And this got to go to that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm boy. What would you do and we're going to take it from this excerpt from the Diddy situation. I got to use that. So what would you do if you had a party? We ain't even going to mention Diddy, you just had a party. You had a party, You're having a good old time, You're drinking a few drinks, you know. And you have a good time. You wake up and you see somebody smashing a chick. You wake up like oh, what the fuck is going on? And this nigga over there just killing something. And the nigga look at you and be like, yeah, you see this, I did this to you. What would you do if that happened to you? And that's what I'm going to leave it like that. That's what Diddy did.
Speaker 1:But that's not what I would do, but that's my, what would you do?
Speaker 2:That's crazy. What would you do? Alright, go ahead. What's?
Speaker 1:your segment. I've talked enough tonight. Oh, I thought you didn't talk how. You talking enough tonight. That's not what y'all said. I talked enough apparently. You see what I'm saying. I talked enough, apparently.
Speaker 4:We were talking about the great debate.
Speaker 1:I talked enough, apparently, so I'm good. Which one is it? Oh, I've talked enough tonight, I'm good, oh now she's talking enough.
Speaker 2:You see this shit, god damn.
Speaker 1:Oh no, they're not fucking me. They're not fucking me when I'm done. When I'm done, I'm done, so that's just you know, so you're not going to do your segment.
Speaker 2:Mm-mm, I'm good, you sure. Okay, we ain't got no more. I know you had like two pages. Good, no, I know you finish every, okay she gonna go on.
Speaker 4:IG rant, so make sure you follow.
Speaker 2:Tyra's on Snapchat or Instagram and TikTok. Make sure you.
Speaker 1:TikTok not finna hate me. They not finna hate me. They not finna hate me. Boy, that's what I got.
Speaker 2:I cut it out before I got here oh see, i'ma put it up. Fuck that shit, don't let me get it. I'ma put that motherfucking shit up. I'm going to put that motherfucking shit up, see, that's how, being a friend, fuck that I'm going to put that shit on there. Let me do it.
Speaker 1:You can put it up there again. They're not going to get me. They're going to get inflammatory, they're going to eat you up.
Speaker 2:Nobody going to put it up there.
Speaker 1:Go ahead, they're going to eat you up Because, like I was saying before before I was really interrupting I welcome it. I told you we're here, yeah is this?
Speaker 2:is this pre-recorded or is this live?
Speaker 1:no, it's right now oh, okay, yep, that's where you at see, I told you the prison, the prison where he well, the jail where he's being detained, is a federal jail, but they said the conditions there are so bad, like if you look up pictures, it's pictures of cockroaches on the food. It's pictures of cockroaches on the food. It's mold in the shower, like people die all the time because the guards is the one bringing in the phones. You know the All the bad shit, because the guards is gang members themselves.
Speaker 3:You know the crazy part about that is so they're helping incite the gang wars more.
Speaker 1:Is he still he already in prison? No, he in jail. He in jail, it's a federal holding detention jail In Brooklyn.
Speaker 3:In Brooklyn, yeah Metropolitan.
Speaker 1:You know the crazy part about this A lot of those jails are like privately owned, so a lot of them are like that. I think they said the Charlotte Met, the one downtown, is kind of like that too, like mold and all this stuff, people dying, people getting sick, and I don't think people realize like mold, that shit, you get sick of that you get sick quick too.
Speaker 2:It's not like some You're hailing all that shit yeah black mold.
Speaker 1:it kind of just comes in through like a respiratory thing and that's. Do you have any on this? Oh, I don't know.
Speaker 2:Nah, brooklyn, brooklyn on it.
Speaker 1:But no, but no. But you know, even I think he's asking is it private on? That's what I'm asking. I don't know.
Speaker 2:Look at this nigga.
Speaker 1:He was on top of the world, so like okay, for example, the jail that R Kelly's in in Butner, I think that's privately owned. Hold on, I want to see what this white man's saying, but it's in Butner. I think it's probably owned prison though.
Speaker 2:Yeah, prison, but I mean Hold on, hold on.
Speaker 1:I want to hear what the white man's saying right quick see white people, white people, finna start talking down on us once they once. I swear to God look, look at what happens when we let you niggas off slavery see they, they gonna fuck you up now that shit was worse than what I just said, but that's different. That's different. That is an ignorant statement. That's a fucking ignorant statement. Lack of knowledge.
Speaker 3:We all can agree why people be thinking that shit.
Speaker 1:We should have never let these niggas free. We should have never let these niggas free. We should have never let these niggas out from shackles.
Speaker 2:Who that's bigger than him. Huh, yeah, I know.
Speaker 1:Um Huh, it's like a live thing.
Speaker 2:Look at him, he trying to paint a picture.
Speaker 1:Violence and squalor. I haven't seen that word in a minute Squalor. Squalor is very demure, very mindful, it's nobody Very demure, very squalor, very squalor.
Speaker 2:But demure and squalor yeah.
Speaker 1:Very cute, see very mindful, that's nastier work.
Speaker 2:Y'all can't do that, but yeah, I mean, if you look at it, oh, never mind.
Speaker 1:Okay, I knew I was forgetting something.
Speaker 4:The reason why he gotta go to the medical appointments.
Speaker 1:Diddy is sick and he's sick. What, what?
Speaker 2:You got HIV Listen. No, let me tell you stop saying stuff like that, listen so the assistant us attorney is filing a motion tomorrow to get his medical records unsealed to see if
Speaker 1:unsealed to see if he really has something, where he has to travel to see doctors so that they can make those arrangements for him while he's being held. But what people are speculating is that he has herpes, and y'all remember all them years ago when everybody kept suing usher because they was getting herpes. It was people saying that usher got the herpes from diddy. You know what the whole thing about speculating is, boy. Let me tell you something about black people. Black people are going to go down a rabbit hole and we finna put two and two together.
Speaker 3:But what if it's true?
Speaker 1:And it may not make sense, but I mean come on oh my this shit about to this shit. Y'all remember that audio they said was him and Meek Mill, Diddy and Meek Mill.
Speaker 2:Oh, I gotta find that audio Wait you trying to say it was real Because they said they debunked that though.
Speaker 1:Did they? They brought that back up. They brought that back up. They brought that back up. Bruh, no, like just people in general, no, but it was crazy that video with Meek and Diddy was talking about it.
Speaker 2:He did look mighty uncomfortable in that pool when Diddy was talking like, yeah, daddy, like first of all, another nigga ain't a grown man calling him. I'm calling none of y'all niggas daddy yo listen you can tell even that interview when Fab was looking, yo Fab from.
Speaker 4:Brooklyn. He was in the bag. He said oh yeah, I like when grown men crawling and scrambling for shit, daddy, I like that daddy.
Speaker 3:I ain't gonna lie, charlamagne Tha God pulled that back up and Diddy was like Charlamagne, the guy pulled that back up and then he was like, he was like, he was like hey man.
Speaker 1:I ain't gonna lie, but that's not unfounded from like niggas up north, cause I ain't gonna lie, new York niggas say a lot of weird shit. I've heard New York niggas say y'all call is it my love or my heart, or yeah, like that's a little. Yeah, that's a little wild. I ain't gonna lie, I ain't never heard a nigga down south that say that shit for real.
Speaker 2:I know a nigga say beloved, but I've never heard a nigga say my heart a nigga down south ain't call nobody beloved nah a nigga ain't saying no, my love man, I've heard that shit before, nigga you high as fuck, nigga.
Speaker 1:I forgot you was even here and let me say you're not the first person I saw that from. You're not the first person I saw that from. I saw that from other New York niggas. My heart, my love. Detroit niggas say my baby, yes, detroit niggas, that's what I'm saying them.
Speaker 2:Brooklyn niggas are saying what? That's what. I'm saying that was all them niggas would say that.
Speaker 1:All them niggas Speaking of such shit. Your favorite rapper said a bunch of such shit.
Speaker 2:He did Shout out to Biggie. That nigga said your mama. What'd he say? Your mama's so a sucker, your daddy dick. That was Paul's. That was a lot of Paul's Diddy. I mean Biggie.
Speaker 1:I knew that you could identify Huh. I knew that you could identify Huh.
Speaker 2:I'm a Paul, no you a nigga that steal. No.
Speaker 1:What movie did I get that from? I don't know. Oh Friday, he said I'm a Paul. No, you a nigga that steal.
Speaker 2:Huh, I don't know what movie you talking about. What movie what you talking about? My name ain't.
Speaker 1:Paul, you can't know the name, but you said Paul. You said it wrong. Oh, I know, oh, I he said it wrong, oh I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Speaker 3:It's okay, my baby.
Speaker 2:Nah, I know Brooklyn niggas in New York are gonna say that that's Harlem. Harlem niggas say daddy, that's why, daddy, that's where the nigga from. That is some weird shit. Brooklyn niggas not saying daddy, my love, daddy.
Speaker 1:Nah, nah, nah, nah, we don't do that.
Speaker 2:When I love Zanny, I don't even look at you, my baby.
Speaker 1:I see your fucking face, my heart. I just wanted, so let me ask you, what would you do if that rugged ass nigga that you was talking about going to that bathroom pulled up to you and say, my heart, my baby, are you going to fight that nigga? Because, remember, he a rugged ass nigga with a vagina and a dick I'm like. What would you do? What would you do that rugged ass nigga? Come up to you.
Speaker 2:Now you know, and I always say this right, nobody can never really say what they're going to do Until they're actually in that situation. So I don't know what the fuck I would do. It depends on what my mood is that day. If I ain't getting no butt, if I didn't get butt, I don't know.
Speaker 1:Whoa, whoa whoa, you getting butt is going to change your reaction.
Speaker 2:Fucking women.
Speaker 1:Bring in the baby y'all. Bring in the baby y'all. I know Breaking news God going to make my enemies my footstools every time. See, when you come for me, when you come for me, it comes back full circle. I ain't comfortable with my masculinity.
Speaker 2:We here at no Advice Podcast support the LGBTQ community. When I say Game Boy, I'm your fucking sucker nigga Fucking a shorty, Not a nigga Daddy, my heart, my heart. Nah, we don't say that, we don't say that.
Speaker 1:We say son of.
Speaker 2:B. We say what up, son of.
Speaker 1:B no, you said my heart Nah girl, you wanted money. I'm playing, just getting on my business. It's your girl. Trump. Senior SSA 00, nigga, nigga, no that's. Tom. Why is it Tom?
Speaker 2:I think he ain't got no money.
Speaker 1:It's Terrence.
Speaker 3:Unscripted.
Speaker 1:I promise y'all quit I will not be here next week. This is my take this as my resignation notice.
Speaker 2:She lying yeah no, two weeks, fuck that. Go look back at 35 episodes ago. She had the same shit and I didn't mean that shit.
Speaker 1:then I know I say that shit a lot. I know I say shut the hell up. I know, I say that shit a lot, but I promise I quit this show.
Speaker 2:Right, put that shit in there. We're gonna have 30 Clemson Tyrants.
Speaker 1:I quit this shit today. I quit this podcast. You'll never see me on this bitch humble out.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's nasty work. You gotta edit that out. Edit that. Yeah, cut that, don't put that in there. You got in your feelings cause of the bitch you fucking lost.
Speaker 4:You'll get tossed all over the floor. You're in the OBO studios and I don't think you right for the fall Terrace. I'm embarrassed. I'll be in the gym. I can hang you off the terrace.
Speaker 3:Oh.
Speaker 1:I heard you say it, but all I heard was hanging me off the terrace, and I was like and your terrace off the terrace.
Speaker 2:My leg went up like that and your terrace off the terrace.
Speaker 1:I was, like you, tired of sleeping my leg.